Sun light at 4am, AK time

I don’t remember when I’ve been outside early at 4am during the hot summer mornings…

The bank at fish camp

This bank, we rushed up to the cabin to escape from multitude of mosquitoes was our summer home for the salmon fishing season 🐟. The bites behind the ears and on feet is the most annoying part of the body they torment. My dad always had the mosquitoes picks burning. My favorite was his coffee at the table after hours of cutting fish or anytime of the day!

The cabin
Battle place – dishes vs mosquitoes

The qeraq (fish drying rack) still has the pieces my dad and brother put together. This is the view while we are cutting the fish with precision uluaq and are grateful for drying fish while it’s getting filled 🐟. My mom shared that each family has a cutting signature brand. Some had a X design somewhere special like signing a check. My sisters can tell which ones I’ve cut. I love this place, our summer home!

Old net that helped us get through winters

Separating the fish organs and the fish heads is essential part of the process to make our favorite summer delicacies.

East side of the Kuskokwim Delta

It’s always good to be home to help out with fishing and spend time with family.

Boat ride

I wrote this article in June/July 2023 and just didn’t post. Quyana, Tui’ingunrituq! Piurci! 🐟